Đặt câu với từ "labial letters|labial letter"

1. 2 words related to Bilabial: labial, labial consonant

2. Labial ministry: Daub of colour of lip of peachblossom lipstick collocation is whole labial ministry.

3. 15 Labial ministry: Daub of colour of lip of peachblossom lipstick collocation is whole labial ministry.

4. LiuXuan: I feel oneself labial color fantastic!

5. Has excuse me somebody heard of labial cancer?

6. Superior labial artery give a branch which run long philtral ridges to nasal base, this branch is better known as nasal base branch of superior labial artery.

7. After tying labial hole, grow to be able to leave a mark.

8. Does laser take off labial wool what is best? How many money?

9. Labia minora Abnormalities: can have labial fusion or hypertrophy in otherwise normal females

10. In German, the digraph "pf" is common, representing a labial affricate of and .

11. Hows her labial frenum? Might you get a higher smile line with a frenectomy?

12. Perioral dermatitis, labial herpes, acrodermatitis enteropathica and Olmsted syndrome are possible differential diagnoses.

13. The results are as follow: In the unilateral complete cleft lip, superior labial artery runs along the labial margin and cleft edge, ending in base of nasal wing on the lateral side.

14. Usually the nasal and upper labial congestion are adaptive adjustments to the abnormal breathing pattern.

15. The labial palps are composed of one to four segments and function as sensory organs.

16. The angle is easier than other parts of the annular labial margin to elastically deform.

17. Conclusion: Myofunctional reparation of labial-plasty and palatoplasty is good for morphology and function recovery.

18. Results 22 cases was completely successful with releasing cross bite and normal overbite of labial teeth.

19. The presence of labial fusion may induce urinary tract symptoms which are overlooked without meticulous inspection.

20. Thus one can also refer to that glide phonologically as a labial glide, a velar (or back) glide, or a Bilabial glide (though adding "bi-" would be less than minimal, compared to simply "labial")

21. Complications included cerebrospinal fluid fistula in 1 case, mild facial paresis in facial numbness in 6 and labial herpes in

22. The inferior labial artery and inferior sublabial artery are the main branches from the facial artery to the inferior lip.

23. Risk factors associated with HSV bronchopneumonitis were oral–labial lesions, HSV in the throat, and macroscopic bronchial lesions seen during bronchoscopy.

24. 18 Complications included cerebrospinal fluid fistula in 1 case, mild facial paresis in facial numbness in 6 and labial herpes in

25. Major Aphthae may occur at any oral surface, but the labial mucosa, soft palate, and tonsillar fauces are most frequently involved.

26. 27 Risk factors associated with HS bronchopneumonitis were oral–labial lesions, HS in the throat, and macroscopic bronchial lesions seen during bronchoscopy .

27. 21 Risk factors associated with HSV bronchopneumonitis were oral–labial lesions, HSV in the throat, and macroscopic bronchial lesions seen during bronchoscopy.

28. The labial form of Oriental is full and thick, suit the lipstick of bright red color more, korea, Japan has begun faddish .

29. The clinical diagnosis and treatment of various hemorrhoids by application of upper labial frenum(Yinjiao acupoint)in TCM has achieved prominent effects.

30. The SLA was found either anastomosed with the contralateral labial artery,(http://Sentencedict.com) or only one side predominant and the other side absent.

31. 30 Results 50 patients underwent this operation and had a very good rejuvenescent facelift effect of pars buccalis, lower mandible and labial commissure.

32. Methods: Multidisciplinary therapy was applied to 11 patients who have serious or medium malalinement, including 5 lingual malposition cases and 6 labial malposition cases.

33. Minor Aphthae: buccal and labial mucosa most frequently followed by the ventral surface of the tongue, mucobuccal fold, floor of the mouth, and soft palate

34. The two common labial articulations are Bilabials, articulated using both lips, and labiodentals, articulated with the lower lip against the upper teeth, both of which are present in English.

35. Objective To improve the cutis laxa and pendulous skin of the pars buccalis,[sentence dictionary] lower mandible and labial commissure through the suspension of SMAS with small incision in the front of antilobium.

36. Mono has 33 consonant phonemes, including three labial-velar stops (/k͡p/, /ɡ͡b/, and prenasalized /ŋ͡mɡ͡b/), an asymmetrical eight-vowel system, and a labiodental flap /ⱱ/ (allophonically a bilabial flap ) that contrasts with both /v/ and /w/.

37. 6 letter words made using the letters Ambries.

38. Bilabials or Bilabial consonants are a type of sound in the group of labial consonants that are made with both lips (bilabial) and by partially stopping the air coming from the mouth when the sound is pronounced (consonant)

39. Microwear analysis found that an abrasive agent, acting predominantly in a lingual to labial direction, had been responsible for loss of enamel and dentine incisally and interproximally, and on the facial and lingual surfaces to a lesser extent.

40. 8 letter words made by using the letters Bunchings.

41. 8 letter words made by using the letters Beanballs.

42. 8 letter words made by using the letters Bullaces.

43. 8 letter words made by using the letters Blurbing.

44. 6 letter words made by using the letters Birched.

45. 7 letter words made by using the letters Bespeckle.

46. 7 letter words made by using the letters Bolshies.

47. 8 letter words made by using the letters Beavered.

48. 8 letter words made by using the letters Brainpans.

49. 5 letter words made by using the letters Baaing.

50. 8 letter words made by using the letters Bystreets.

51. 6 letter words made by using the letters Amende.

52. 9 letter words made by using the letters Advantaging.

53. 10 letter words made by using the letters Allegorizing.

54. 11 letter words made by using the letters Acculturated.

55. 11 letter words made by using the letters Archidiaconal.

56. 11 letter words made by using the letters Accelerandos.

57. 9 letter words made by using the letters Alabastrine.

58. 8 letter words made by using the letters Amplexicaul.

59. 10 letter words made by using the letters Abrogations.

60. 12 letter words made by using the letters Accouterment.

61. 9 letter words made by using the letters Absquatulate.

62. 6 letter words made by using the letters Amorist.

63. 7 letter words made by using the letters Abjecting.

64. 9 letter words made by using the letters Absurdists.

65. 5 letter words made by using the letters Apodal.

66. 9 letter words made by using the letters Absurdest.

67. 11 letter words made by using the letters Anathematizing.

68. 11 letter words made by using the letters Autochthones.

69. 9 letter words made by using the letters Absolutest.

70. 8 letter words made by using the letters Crossable.

71. 5 letter words made by using the letters Cushat.

72. 6 letter words made by using the letters Caviled.

73. 7 letter words made by using the letters Ballonet.

74. 4 letter words made by using the letters Bedad.

75. 5 letter words made by using the letters Brere.

76. 4 letter words made by using the letters Beted.

77. 8 letter words made by using the letters Binovular.

78. 6 letter words made by using the letters Bossism.

79. 10 letter words made by using the letters Beleaguering.

80. 7 letter words made by using the letters Breveted.